Step 1 à Creating dimming schedule.

  • Navigate to Scheduler from the Apps pane and select dimming schedule.
  • Click on Dimming Schedules and select the “+ “icon to create a new dimming schedule.

           A screenshot of a calendar

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  • Enter the name of the dimming schedule that you want to create and select the dimming profile from the right which you want to assign into the dimming schedule.
  • Once you have selected the dimming profile drag and drop it to assign.

         A screenshot of a computer

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  • Once you have dragged and dropped the dimming profile into the calendar select the recurrence whether the schedule must be repeated on Daily, Weekly, Monthly basis or the schedule does not repeat.


        A screenshot of a computer

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  • After selecting the recurrence select the date until which date the schedule must be applied and click OK and select Save Schedule and the dimming schedule will be created successfully.

Step 2 à Assign dimming schedule to a group:

  • After creating the dimming schedule successfully, you can apply the dimming schedule into the existing group.
  • Select any existing group as per your preference from the left side tree view and right click to select Assign Dimming schedule.


              A screenshot of a computer

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  • Select the dimming schedule that you have created and click on Assign Dimming schedule.

  • Once you have applied the Dimming Schedule it will be assigned to all the devices associated with group within next 10 to 20 minutes.
  • After completing the above steps, navigate to schedular tab and you can track the associated device count in Dimming profile and Dimming Schedule which you have created.


                A screenshot of a computer

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