1. Steps to create a custom report template using StreetMan.


Overview: StreetMan helps you to create a custom report template to generate reports according to your requirements. Please refer to the steps below.


custom reports are essential when predefined reports do not fully address your organization's unique needs, goals, and data sources.




  • Kindly navigate to Reports tab from the apps pane and select report template.
  • Click on   icon to create new report template.






Note: Kindly make sure the template matches with the metrics category provided.


Custom report template





  1. Report generation using custom report template.


Overview: StreetMan custom report creation involves several steps to define the structure, layout, and content of the report.



  • Click on reports tab from the apps pane.
  • Navigate to Generated Reports à Right click on the report name à click on View Generated Report to open the report file.




Note: Generated reports will be displayed according to the formats given while creating a report template. Report formats will be PDF, CSV, XLS and XLSX formats.










  1. Steps to generate instant/scheduled report using StreetMan.


Overview: StreetMan allows you to share the reports under schedule basis. Please refer to the steps mentioned below.


Steps to generate instant report:


  • Click on Reports tab from the apps pane.
  • Navigate to Report Template à right click on the custom template à select Generate Report à under Schedule Details select it as Instant Report à Report Type and Generate Report






Instant report generation:








Steps to generate schedule report:


  • Click on Reports tab from the apps pane.
  • Navigate to Report Template à right click on the custom template à select Generate Report à under Schedule Details select it as Schedule Report à Report Type and Generate Report.